Master Index and Guide to the Site

Last changed 16 January, 2000

Site Pages


General biographical information

Brief Biography

Short Biography for publicity with links to other relevant material

Bürck, Graeter, Casserley

Improvising trio


The Colourscape walk-in sculpture and LC's Colourscape work

Colourscape Music Festival

The festival that takes place in Colourscape

1999 York Colourscape Festival

Second Festival in York - 7-15 August, 1999

1998 Colourscape Music Festival

Clapham Common, 5-20 September, 1998

1999 Fenland Colourscape Festival

Second Festival in March, Cambs, 17-25 July 1999


Brief introduction to Lawrence Casserley's compositions


List of Lawrence Casserley's works

Computer Musician

Brief description of work as a computer musician


Listings of forthcoming events


Information on available CDs

Electric Tubes in York

Details of the Electric Tubes residency at York Science Week

Electroacoustic Cabaret

Temporary page!

Home Page

Back to the top!

Heyde, Palmer, Casserley

Contemporary electroacoustic trio


1970's multi media performing group


Description of LC's work as an improviser


Description of my music theatre piece "Labyrinth"

Lawrence Electronic Operations

Description of concert and studio facilities


Information on installations and performances at Liverpool Museum

Music of the Spheres

Information on the Giant Bubble and related activities

Nettlefold Festival

History of the Nettlefold Festival and Colourscape Music Festivals


Recent events of interest - well maybe! :-)>

Parker, Casserley

Improvising duo


Electroacoustic performance highlights

Poore, Casserley

Electroacoustic duo

Ritual Dances

Information on my large-scale ensemble/electronic work

Signal Processing Instrument

Text of paper in Vol 11 of Journal of Electroacoustic Music

The Tube

Information page about "The Tube" sound enviroment


Bürck, Rainer

Pianist - Improvising trio with Roland Graeter

Bergmark, Johannes

Performance at 1996 Colourscape Music Festival

Desorgher, Simon

Long-term collaborator, co-founder of Colourscape Music Festivals

Durrant, Richard

Guitarist - performer at Colourscape Music Festivals

Graeter, Roland

Cellist - Improvising trio with Rainer Bürck

Guy, Barry

Composer, Improviser, Bassist - performances at Colourscape Music Festivals

Heyde, Neil

Cellist - Trio with John Palmer

Lytton, Paul

Percussionist - Performances in Germany and Hungary

Mackness, Vanessa

Vocalist - Performances at Colourscape Music Festival

Palmer, John

Pianist, Composer - Trio with Neil Heyde

Parker, Evan

Saxophonist - duo partner - CDs

Poore, Melvyn

Composer, Improviser, Tubist - duo /quartet partner

Tomlinson, Alan

Trombonist - Performances at Colourscape Music Festivals


Bürck, Rainer

Pianist - Improvising trio with Roland Graeter

Bergmark, Johannes

Swedich Instrument Inventor and Improviser

ECM Records

Publisher of electroacoustic Ensemble CD - "Drawn Inward"

Electronic Music Foundation

Guy, Barry

Composer, Improviser, Bassist - duo, trio, septet, etc.

International Computer Music Association

LEO Records

Publisher of CD, 'Live at Les Instants Chavirez'

Lytton, Paul

Percussionist - duo, trio, septet, etc.

Parker, Evan

Saxophonist - duo partner - CDs

Poore, Melvyn

Composer, Improviser, Tubist - duo partner


Sargasso Records - publisher of CD - "Labyrinths"

Sonic Arts Network


Publisher of CD, Solar Wind - duo with Evan Parker

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